Data protection declaration

1 Introduction
This privacy policy applies to (hereinafter referred to as "we") and explains why we collect information about you, how we use this information and how we respect your privacy.

Our basis for processing personal data varies, whether it is based on your consent or as required by law. In addition, it may be necessary to process personal data in order to perform a contract with you or to comply with a legal obligation. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

2. About personal data, consent and cookies
Personal data is information and reviews that can be associated with an identifiable individual. This may include name, address, telephone number, email address, IP address, purchase and behavioral history.

All processing of personal data, such as: B. collecting, recording, storing and disseminating is subject to specific regulations, which are also contained in the Personal Data Act. We are responsible for ensuring that processing takes place in accordance with legal regulations. The data protection authority monitors compliance with the law.

Required storage of information
Some information we collect is absolutely necessary for you to purchase from our online store. Examples of this information that you keep logged in during the shopping process in the online store, which is stored as a cookie. Other necessary information includes address and billing data so that we can send you the goods and accept payments. By using our website, you agree to us storing this information. You can request the release and deletion of data about you at any time by contacting us.


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